�й�ұ�� 2009, 19(10) 1-1 DOI:      ISSN: 1006-9356 CN: 11-3729/TF

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MA Zhi��gang
XIE Shu��yuan
DU Bin
HOU An��gui
ZHOU Ji��gang
��־��1, л��Ԫ2���ű�2�����1���̸ܼ�1
ժҪ�� ��̼ģ�͵Ļ���ԭ������Ӧ���������Ͷ�öԴٽ�RH�ĸ�Ч�����Զ���ˮƽ������һ�������ã���ģ���ۺ����Զ����Ƽ�������ֵ�����������̼ԭ����ר��֪ʶ�о���ʵ���˶Ը�ˮ��̼������׼ȷԤ�⣬ģ��Ԥ��ֵ�����ֵ����ƫ���8��10-6��������Ϊ85��7����
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Application of Decarburization Model on Baosteel RH Refining Furnace
MA Zhi��gang1��XIE Shu��yuan2��DU Bin2��HOU An��gui����ZHOU Ji��gang��
Abstract: Research Institute��Shanghai 201900��China)Abstract: The basic principles and on��line application of Baosteel RH dynamic decarburization model is introduced in this paper. which voted with the promotion of RH treatment and the efficient level of automation has played a certain role, the model combines the knowledge of automatic control, numberical analysis, the principle of vacuum decarburization expert knowledge and research, it achieved to predict the carbon content of molten steel accuratly. The hit ratio attain 85.7% that the absolute value of the margin between the model calculated and measured values is little than 8��10-6.
Key words�� RH refining; dynamic decarburization model; process control model
Keywords: RH refining   dynamic decarburization model   process control model  
�ո����� 2009-03-09 �޻����� 2009-04-20 ����淢������  


1������.����״˺�Ѹְ�Q345E-Z35�Ŀ���[J]. �й�ұ��, 2010,20(5): 17-17

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